Ceramic Balls Morphology
Four small vials are received, containing balls used in the refining industry for fragmenting petroleum molecules. The vials are numbered from #1 to #4. Vial #1 contains new balls, #2 contains slightly worn balls, #3 contains worn balls, and vial #4 contains fragmented balls.

Figure 1. Original image of sample #3 (worn ball) using Multi-Layer Grab views at 50X.

Figure 2. Red Thresholding of the ball surface.

Figure 3. Kirsh transformation of the original image enables the wear texture to be detected and associated with green bitplane.
Demonstrate the ability of the Clemex Vision image analysis system can classify a group of balls by degree of wear. The classifications mentioned in the sample description are the ones to be used. The methods and operations used are discussed in the report linked at the bottom of this page (click the Download PDF link below).
A graph of the percentage of balls in each category generated during the analysis of sample #3 is shown. Final results can be printed directly from Clemex Vision. Raw data are linked to their respective objects for validation purpose. Raw data can also be exported in Excel format.