Cleanliness Evaluation as per IEST-STD-CC1246D

In this report, a 4-inch silicon wafer witness plate is submitted for IEST-STD-CC1246D cleanliness evaluation. The report available below is an example of what Clemex PSFilter 2 can deliver in accordance to this standard.

Cleanliness Evaluation as per IEST-STD-CC1246D | Clemex

The image of the largest particle found on the wafer is displayed the report.


This is a fully automated report generated with Clemex PSFilter 2 in accordance with IEST-STD-CC1246D. The full surface of the wafer is analysed to evaluate the cleanliness level of a white room. Poisson’s method is used to determine 95% confidence interval (Lower Confidence Limit [LCL] to Upper Confidence limit [UCL]) of particle count. Normalized counts for each size interval are compared to permissible values.

Cleanliness Evaluation as per IEST-STD-CC1246D | Clemex


All particles found are measured and their distribution is reported in this graph. Particle count for each size interval is determined and compared to maximum acceptable counts.