Custom made
Clemex designs and manufactures sample holders and stage adapters. Below are just a few examples of a wide range of custom parts available, produced to meet any customer specifications. Our representatives will be happy to assist you. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Self level vise for mounted sample, with test block
For motorized stages 100 x 60 mm. One Clemex insert ring required (maximum size 60 mm)
Self Level vise for mounted sample, no test block
For motorized stages 100 x 60 mm. One Clemex insert ring (60 mm) is required
Self level vise for mounted samples with test block
For motorized stages 200 x 100 mm Various sizes of samples available
Self level vise for mounted samples, no test block
For motorized stages 200 x 100 mm Various sizes of samples available
Stage insert plates and holders for inverted or upright microscopes. Multiple quantity and sizes of samples available.
A variety of stage plates and sample holders for paper or membrane filters, glass slides, silicon wafers and Gel Paks.