Polymer particle size analysis
Three samples of Methocel powder were submitted for analysis. The powder was spread directly on a slide for evaluation. The measurements performed in this study were Area, Length, Circular Diameter, Sphericity, Aspect Ratio and Roughness.

Figure 1. Original image at 100x (1.28 microns/pixel). Transmitted Light with a Magnification of 100x were used.

Figure 2. Artifacts and particles sectionned by the field of view are eliminated.

Figure 3. Connected particles are isolated in the green bitplane using a sorting tool (Object Transfer by Limits) based on their irregular shape. The Separate binary tool is then applied to disconnect some touching particles.

Figure 4. Longest particle found in sample PL15.
Demonstrate that the Clemex Vision image analysis system can distinguish the particles, count them and measure their size and
Area, Length, Circular Diameter, Sphericity, Aspect Ratio and Roughness measurements are performed on each particle.
Automated statistics (including count) and graph are generated and cumulated for the whole analysis.