Standard inclusion rating
This application note covers the analysis of two samples of steel in a single mount for the rating of non-metallic inclusions using Clemex CIR.

Figure 1. A large inclusion found in steel. This inclusion spreads over more than one field. Its complete length is detected, measured and taken into account in the final rating and worst field detection.

Figure 2. This is the inclusion map of sample 2. Worst fields for thin and heavy inclusions of each types are identified by the colored bounding boxes to facilitate the reviewing process.
This document showcase the ability of Clemex Inclusion Rating (CIR) software to discriminate, categorize, measure and rate the inclusions found in the submitted samples. The results are reported according to ASTM E45, JIS G 0555 and DIN K.
Inclusion rating reports for all required standards are automatically generated and displayed below. Other standards and variants are also supported. Make sure to click on the Download PDF button at the bottom of this page to see the entire report. Contact us for more information.